Over and under

My Monday morning meander took me over Loch Faskally by the pedestrian bridge which you can see on the far right of the picture  and then under the A9 (a not infrequent feature of walks in and around Pitlochry). The footbridge is called the Aluminum Bridge and was installed when the dam was built thereby creating Loch Faskally.  It was good to get out and stretch my legs and I did more stretching when I got home with a post-walk yoga session - my home practice has slipped a bit recently and so I am trying to get back in the habit. 

So far, so good. I had planned to spend the afternoon on admin associated with different local groups I volunteer with but we (the town and wider area) had an internet outage. Instead I did my ironing, needle-felting a ghost to go with the witch I made earlier, thought about how I might write up my recent family tree research and studied some Gaelic. In between times I followed happening at Westminster on my phone. 

Internet has been restored and inroads made into admin. 

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