
I spent the morning trying to sort somewhere else to work tomorrow because Electricity northwest is switching off the electricity for the day whilst they cut back trees close to the supply lines. I then tried to get through to someone to ask about what they were proposing to cut back. I’m really hoping they tackle the Cupressus trees in the property behind mine which, as well as being close to the wires are also getting big and block the light, especially in winter. I spoke to a very helpful Paul who wasn’t sure exactly but has promised to follow it up.

Then I headed into town for a rare treasured moment where reality exceeded my idealistic expectations! Fed up with my leaky walking boots, I went to see if there were any offers on boots, or to find some sealskinz socks, as ceridwen had suggested. I was telling the sales assistant about my Scarpa disappointment as I tried on some cheaper boots and she suggested I check with the manager. What a happy moment...the manager let me have a replacement pair! Hooray!
A bit of food shopping and then down to a very blowy lake for a bit of celebratory air in the boots. The swing was in full swing.

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