Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

A busy day

Henry went to get his shoes as soon as he'd finished breakfast so we got dressed and went straight outside. Neil had a morning of car washing planned so we put wellies and waterproofs on and did some washing of our own - amazing how much fun you can have with a bowl of water, a whisk and some measuring cups. We painted the path, watered the plants, picked some daisies and splashed in puddles.

After our nap Neil and Henry went outside to play for an hour while I did some baking (gluten free banana and chocolate muffins - yum!) and prepared dinner then we went for a quick walk before coming home to roast chicken.

We spent a bit longer playing outside before bathtime - we came up with a game a bit like hockey using a fish slice and a tennis ball - Henry loved it!

After spending most of the day outside Henry was shattered and grumpy by bathtime, not helped by slipping over twice in the bathroom and hitting his head both times. He ended up falling asleep clutching a megabloks figure.

Neil has gone to see iron man 3 with his best friend so I'm catching up with game of thrones and having an early night.

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