Windmill 'De Zwaluw', Kesteren

'Zwaluw' = 'Swallow' = the bird.
The mill and the restaurant beneath it are standing in a super classy and pricey neighbourhood, in a little compound of their own, with a fountain and a small park, and some boutique-style shops nearby.  I walked through the gates and was greeted with this majestic-looking structure, and with the sun shining on it, it looked absolutely grand and royal.

Went to work, worked, ... went hunting ... , went back home.

Got a mail back from the boss saying that my contract won't be extended, and that he trusts the correction work will be done in a week, and any exams I wouldn't be able to finish would be corrected by Gina.  Even before his mail arrived, though, I took the initiative and tried to phone the other boss, who was in a meeting.  A positive sign is that he left word with the receptionist that he still knew who I was and that he had my number and would certainly call back.  The deadline for applications is tomorrow, so he could phone on Thursday.  Could.

The hunt in the afternoon lifted my spirits tremendously.  It's the week before the Autumn Break, so my lessons were light, but the idea that I might be out of work again had a dampening effect.  I know it's not me (says one who was so often called a loser) and it has more to do with the budget -- they're paying Gina full load even though she's recovering from illness, which is right, so my salary is an extra burden.  I am working hard for this 'burden', though, and to me it's a bonus.  Too good to last, heh?  :D))) ... I'll wait for that other call.

Not much news from MNL, for a change, just short messages from Mimi and the Viking about the next move.  After dinner, AW left for Tuesday evening live bridge, and now I find myself glad that the hunt tired me out.  Glorious weather which I hope will continue tomorrow.

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