Not Long for This World?

I was out in the back yard/garden this morning to do a bit of work before the sun hit it, and spent a few minutes wandering about taking photos of the apple blossoms, dew on leaves, and other delights -- including this young rabbit.

We'd seen it before in the back yard -- it spends part of most mornings there, munching on grass and dandelions, then scurrying back under the fence and hiding in the blackberry thicket behind our yard.

I watched it nibble dandelion stems, taking photos I knew would be useless, as my little Olympus has only a small zoom... and then the rabbit hopped toward me. Then stopped, hopped toward me again, stopped... and nearly ran into my foot.

Even then, it didn't seem to be aware of my presence -- the rabbit merely took a few hops in a slightly different direction, in no hurry.

Given the honed hunting skills of Darrell, the neighborhood cat that has caught full-size rabbits, I doubt that this small bunny is going to make it through the summer.

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