Where the Wild Things Are

Climbing onto his snoozing mother's back, one of at least nine tiny gators in the swamp here in the everglades. Hidden from view she was difficult to see and easy to walk past without noticing.

There was a time when mama had had enough and the water tremored with her growl or maybe that was a warning not just to her youngsters but to an idiot with an iPhone with a little girl on his back leaning in close over her to take a shot. An accident waiting to happen and I could feel myself going hot and cold! 

We had a drive through the Everglades National Park stopping at the various ponds and viewing areas. Great to spot a bald eagle resting on a tree, red shouldered hawks lining the road, an osprey which gave us the stink eye and a cotton mouth snake  which the vultures were pretty annoyed with me about as I jumped out of the car to grab a few shots. I'm not sure how a vulture would fair against a large live snake and I never found out.

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