
She hasn't been able to go back to her old ballet school since she left 18 months ago. But today, she did! We'd asked her teacher if she could visit but the teacher hadn't seen the message. One of the mums told us the class time so we decided to surprise them. Katie arrived and met her friends. They walked into class pretending it was totally normal and Rachel did a funny double take, before giving Katie a massive hug. Katie absolutely loved being back!

We had another slight "ships passing" day - she was in the cafe from mid morning til early afternoon, I was in the centre from lunchtime til teatime and then she was in ballet. But we enjoyed some time first thing and then watched a bit of bake off together. She was on excellent form after ballet, despite it being late. She declared she needed a carrot so we nipped into morrisons as I had a parcel to collect anyway. She scooted round the shop on a trolley and also convinced me to buy her a Christmas dinosaur t-shirt! 

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