Something for Nothing.

It was very different scene at the beach this morning. Gone was the welcoming sunrise to be replaced by lowering  clouds and an east wind whipping up the sea to a state where I thought twice about going in. But go in I did and was quickly knocked off my feet by the first powerful wave. It was too risky being on my own to go in any deeper than hip level. It meant I could have my back to the waves when they packed a punch. All in all it wasn’t the best experience; had there been two of us we could have held hands and coped better.

Home to warm up and then visit the chiropodist. As I crossed the Meadows I saw this stone on a seat alongside one of the paths. I imagine it was done by a child on midterm holiday, but then again, maybe it has more sinister connotations, perhaps a coded message for someone who has less than honourable intentions in Loch Lomond, Perth or Skye. Plenty of people passed it but nobody seemed brave enough to pick it up - least of all me.

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