Getting on with it

Bev and Nigel left at lunchtime, so sad to see them go, they are the last of our neighbour friends to leave, signaling the end of the holiday season for another year, as does the weather, with warm sunny days but a cool air now, especially at night and early morning. We will close the pool soon.

My afternoon was taken up with my first dental appointment since early July - a preliminary consultation as I begin the next phase in the seemingly never ending implant journey, having taken a break over the summer season. Arife came too as she is contemplating beginning the same process, and Aziz took us in Beth's car.  A few shopping errands on the way home and we also collected Beth's son from school, giving me my blip for the day. 

A quiet at home, cat centered, task with TV led evening.

Slept better last night so hopefully, this 'orrible cold thingy is finally on the wane.

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