Halloween Scene: Bones Rider Exacts His Revenge!

“Beware the fury of a patient man.” ― John Dryden

This is a scene that I came across on my daily walk, and as you can imagine, I was quite amazed by it all! For here, featured once again, is our buddy Bones Rider, the skeleton owned and displayed by some of our neighbors around Halloween. Last year, Bones was featured riding a motorcycle. This year, Bones is depicted in a tableau of revenge!

Here are the details of the scene, which may be somewhat difficult to discern:

*many nasty, hungry black flamingos, with blood dripping from their beaks!;

*one headless dolly with blood dripping down her dress;

*one golden skeleton (Bones himself!) caught in the act of revenge, his mouth an open yawning maw of glee;

*two skeletal spiders, one on the skeleton's lap, and one on the ground; and

*one disassembled skeleton, in various pieces on the ground.

All I've got to say is this: YIKES!!!

As I slowly turn around . . . and quietly sneak away from this bloody scene!

For the soundtrack song, I've picked this one: Johnny Cash, with Ghost Riders in the Sky.

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