Mystery Visitor

We were up and ready for River’s visit by 7:30. Hubby walked to the mailbox and said I had to go look at our driveway. There were tons of muddy paw prints going up and then down the driveway. We have no idea who put them there but he/she/they were busy last night. The left view is looking from the house. The right view is looking toward the house. Enlarge the photos to get a better look at the prints but I wanted to show the quantity and could not capture them all. River arrived at 9:00. He is still uncomfortable with the kitties so I spent the day literally within inches of him, usually having him touching my hand or lap. Hubby gave me a break during my quarterly tele-health meeting with my GP (all is well) and while I cooked Lauren her favorite meal. We read many books and we were pleased with River’s recognition of most animals, counting the group members, and even telling Granddad about a monster truck. We have no idea where he has seen one before. Hubby went to the base to get my meds and picked up pasta for Lauren’s meal. River finally took a nap around 1:45 but only because I laid on the recliner with him. He woke up right before his Mom got here from work. They visited with us until 7:45 pm. Hubby had to leave for a Knights’ meeting and he will get dinner there. I put away all of River’s train toys and ate a bit of dinner. Ready for some Grammy time now. Wishing you some time to do what you enjoy as well. Thanks for your visit. Stay safe. “But where did he come from? Has he been sent to her for a reason? Who will explain his mystery to her? ” - Libby Hathorn

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