Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Collapsing inwards. Useless. Empty. Only fit for the bin. 

So we see the resignation of another prime minister. Three in one year.. This date will go down in history as Britain’s nadir. We hit reputational rock bottom on the 20th October 2022. Halloween come early. Astonishing beyond belief.

Actually not. I don’t care if we have a high turnover at the top; it’s the damage they leave behind them that’s the issue. And this one and her failed economic policies was like a hand grenade going off in the lives of ordinary people. Goodbye Liz Truss. You really made your mark on Britain - and we’ll be paying the price for decades to come.

The fact that the markets picked up significantly on the news of her departure tells you who really runs Britain. The Tory grandees meanwhile have finally realised that you can’t let Daily Mail readers run your recruitment processes for the country’s CEO and have set the bar really high for getting past MPs in the first round of selection. And mercifully it will all be done in a week. Come to think of it they should announce the new PM on Halloween. It would only be appropriate.

My day was less dramatic. I did actually go into the office this afternoon, which was pleasantly surprising although also exhausting. And I did pretty well on the healthy eating front today. Appropriate really as at work I was undertaking "lean" training …

PS Strider wanted me to blip the famous Liz Truss Lettuce today but being vegan I fel that was unfair on hard working salad everywhere.

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