Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Last day in The Garden and I had a great day. :) 
I didn't feel good in the morning, but since it was my last day and we were going to make another face product, I went anyway. 
I started with giving my gifts and they were all very well received. I also had written personal notes inside to everyone.
Then we started planning for the face product, a cleaning, refreshing water with herbs. We had to do some research, because one of the herbs that were used the last time wasn't in the herb cabinet. 
And I got a bottle with me home. :) Looking forward to use this too, since the face cream was wonderful. :)
This cat up in a tree, hunting for birds, caught our attention. The birds saw the cat, and almost taunted it, flittering around and chirping. We saw how the cat 'chewed' like they do when they want to hunt. Eventually I think it got a bored and turned its back on the birds. We took some photos and started working.
I stayed far to long, but since it was my last workday I thought I could handle that. I'll be back on Thursday to visit and pick up some pepper plants.
I got the sweetest good bye from one of the staff. She told me she'd miss having me around. I told her I'll be back on Thursday, but that wasn't the same I was told. Made me very happy. :) I've connected with coworkers and one in the staff, on Instagram and Facebook so we'll keep in touch (I hope).

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