Together again

Lauri came home after almost three weeks. Clearly he and Petteri had been missing each other.

Jussi had his driving test in the morning and he passed. Triinu went to pick him up and he drove home. Photo by Triinu in the extra.

I got the bookkeeping up to date before lunch. In the afternoon I loaded the pile of bale wrapping from the barn in the van with Jussi and took it to the container on the heifers' home farm. Taking the long road home, I fetched the new clamps for mill pipeline. They had arrived to the shop sooner than expected and I got the pipeline back together well before it's needed. That will be some time next week, as the weather permits keeping the cattle out for a few more days. The feeding area has turned muddy, but it shouldn't get any worse and there are not many cold mornings.

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