It's MOTORHEAD SUNDAY and today's submission is a companion to the NASCAR X-Finity series.  These are Robbie Gordon's jumping trucks.
A series of jumping ramps are set up at various places along the track and these bad boy fly through the air.....20 -25 feet high and well over 100 feet down track.
They hit with a thud but the suspension is quite robust, which you can see in the Extra, so the vehicles are undamaged. Well, occasionally, they hit one another in the air and the results are sometimes damaging if they land wrong and roll....and it does happen.
BIG hit with the fans....even more so than the X-Finity series itself.  And Robbie allows access to the trucks for fans and even has the drivers there so fans can talk to them.  NASCAR could learn a lesson from this it (NASCAR) seems to do all it can to alienate its fan base.
Best seen in Large.
UPDATE:   Dunno if I mentioned this before  but 3 weeks ago, after 8 days in hospital to work on my irregular heart rhythm, I had a pacemaker/defibrillator implanted.
Apparently, some small blood clots formed after the procedure, probably from being off blood thinners while they did the implant, and this past Friday I had a couple of minor strokes.  Not really apparent at first but I noticed a dark, cloud-like patch in my right eye that wasn't going away.  
Went to the optometrist for a quick assessment and she said there was a small occlusion in the retinal artery that was shutting off blood flow to the retina....hence the small blind spot.  She sent me to the Ophthalmologist (an M.D.).
He confirmed the diagnosis and said intervention really needed a Neurologist which was found only in Milwaukee on a Friday night.  COOL! No ambulances available for the 90 minute they sent me a helicopter.  There has to be a better way to get your first helicopter ride, right?
A Catscan at the hospital in Milwaukee showed the occlusion clearly and there was also a small brain bleed on the left side near the central ventricles. Dunno they ordered an MRI to define it better.
Turned out the MRI was ruled out due to the pacemaker implant......too metallic for the high magnetic machine.  The neurologist said it didn't look like it, the bleed, was moving much, if at all, so the bleed was likely a small pool of blood that will eventually be eaten up by bodily processes...didn't think an intervention was advisable unless it continues to bleed...then they'll be drilling holes in my head; but that doesn't look likely.
For the time being, I can learn to live with the small gray spot affecting maybe 5% of my visual field and I will keep my eyes  open (so to speak) for other stroke warning signs that could indicate a continuing bleed.
Feel good.....but really tired.  And for sure, getting old is not for wimps.

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