Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

Coming this Fall

Michigan Honeycrisp apples trees are in bloom. Michigan's cool spring and autumn temperatures are ideal for growing Honeycrisp apples. The apple is especially crisp and juicy.

Honeycrisp apple trees were derived from a 1960 cross of Macoun and Honeygold, at the University of Minnesota apple breeding program. But Michigan Honeycrisp consistently earn first place in consumer taste tests, beating not only other apple varieties, but also Honeycrisp apples grown in other parts of the United States.

Honeycrisp apples have a cream colored flesh and the taste is a wonderful, well balanced, sub acid and sugar flavor. Honeycrisp has double the cell structure of other apples.

Although there is more fervor and zeal for Honeycrisp than for any other apple the reality is Michigan sells far more red and golden delicious and Gala varieties. It should be a good season.

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