Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The King

Too peeved for words. But no doubt I'll type some. ;-) I want to watch DVDs on my iPad - or more to the point, I want to pop a DVD into the drive on my iMac, and watch it on my iPad.

This. Should. Not. Be. Difficult.

Apparently the iPad doesn't do mpeg-2 video, which is what is found on DVDs. I can see that with the first iPad and first few iterations of iOS there wasn't a need for iPads to cope with DVD video, but now with AirPlay and streaming and all that stuff, there is. If I wanted to spend the time to rip my DVDs (which, because bullshit copy-protection, means installing the right version of VLC, which seems impossible, judging from my efforts yesterday) and then import them into iTunes, I could stream them no worries. I don't want to do that. Want to put in a disc and watch it.

I found an app that allows me to do that. The free version worked well, but has a 20 minute time limit, so I bought the full version. Worked fine, then just started farting everything up. for no reason I can fathom. Farting. Everything up.

So I've been trying Splashtop2 - which simply won't connect to my iMac. So that's crud.

So bugger it.

Here's a parrot. This morning there were half a dozen of them clambering about on the roof over our back deck, and when ey flew off, this one went to a tree relatively close. I had to wind u the ISO surprisingly high to get the shutter speed acceptable, so it's quite noisy.

Larger and noisier.

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