
A good friend and colleague was in the office today, not for the first time since 2020 but it's the first time we've managed to be there together on the same day.  We managed a good old chinwag. It's her birthday in a couple of weeks.... we were reminising about her 40th which was....shall we say.... large. It was also a long time ago as we're now both working out how long it is until we can retire.

Work was quite dull. I've got a project team to rejuggle after a resignation on Friday but I can't announce it until the person concerned is back from their holiday next week.  I think my plan will work, although I expect some moans about workload. I must also stop being so grumpy in the office. 

Home to pie I think. The MiL had a hospital appt today for her dementia check up (getting worse) which Himself took her to. Pie is easy after that sort of day.

Can you see me?

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