Abstract Monday

The view from the perspective of my skylight.

Too late with my phone call to the clinic, so I've set the alarm for first thing tomorrow.  Press 1 for emergencies, in which case one is advised to phone #112 instead (our version of #911), press 2 for a repeating prescription, press 3 for appointments, press 4 if you want the recording to start again.  I'm inclined to think all GP clinics now work this way.

A day at home, finished the last MOOC I'd subscribed for, with a final score of 93.  The topic?  Cyber Security!  It was one of those courses which completely exceeded expectations.  As a result of what I (have) learned, I've changed my browser from Chrome to Brave, and my search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo.  That had always been my issue with Chrome -- trackers.

Not much communication with MNL but I know the Viking is hard at work manning the oars.  In the meantime, I hope I do not scratch too much while asleep.

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