A waste of space

More correctly a wasted space. The large open area at the East end of Union Street is quite an attractive square, the appearance of which is enhanced by the Salvation Army Citadel, built on the site of Aberdeen Castle, and the Mercat Cross which stands in the centre of the square.

For some reason Aberdeen Council chooses to ignore the existence of this square, and it is totally under utilised. There is a Christmas tree there for a couple of weeks in December, apart from that nothing. OK so I have a bee in my bonnet about this square, I cannot see a town in Europe being so bind to such an asset.

The photograph was taken in the late morning. The sky is still cloudy, a couple of hours later the clouds vanished and it was a brilliant Spring afternoon, almost summer in fact, though there is still a certain coolness in the air.

My day was busy obtaining prints of a couple of photographs and then getting frames for them. This gave me a chance to use the services of Jessops once more, in the hope they may survive this time around.

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