washing day

So warm this afternoon! And breezy, too. A good day to put out the washing. Otherwise a quiet day, spending time with Mum and Dad, drinking tea, starting a new jigsaw, clearing out a bookcase and taking some books to the charity shop. Sad to say goodbye when the time came.. I really dislike goodbyes, but we’ve had a good week, and it’s like life - make the most of today, don’t save it all until you have no time left :-)

Before heading home, I spent the evening with my brother in Hounslow. We visited a vegetarian restaurant (see extra), toured the Indian supermarkets and got shocked out of our skins by Diwali fireworks. Then for something completely different, we walked around Twickenham and Eel Pie Island.

I’m on the Tube now. It’ll be the night train and an end to my travels. I’ve had a lovely week.

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