Dress rehearsal

I’d offered to help the wardrobe person with some of the costume changes for the play next week so went along to the final dress rehearsal. There were a couple of very small sewing jobs needed - wish I’d taken some reading glasses, threading the needle took longer than the sewing!
Had a phone call from L this evening saying “don’t panic but C and Richard are in an ambulance on the way to hospital”!  He had a bit of a raspy chest and seemed to be struggling a bit breathing so she’d rung 111 who had said in view of him being so young they’d send an ambulance.  The ambulance duly arrived and the paramedics checked him over and were reasonably happy with him but because of his age, they’d have to take him in to be seen by a doctor.  When they got to hospital she was told there was an 8 hour wait to see a doctor!  After being there 2 hours and his obs being OK she was told that she’d have to wait another 8 hours to see a dr. She made the decision to come home with him and contact the GP in the morning - it was midnight and they were both in need of sleep.  So I picked them up and took them home.

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