
By Sonset25


Woke and rose early.  Today was a big day.  We headed to the Retired Greyhound Trust in Suffolk to see a hound.   He's 3 years old and is blue and white.  His racing name is Chelms Keith.  

He was very excited to be out of his kennel and have a walk.  Like my last hound he's a strong boy.  His emotions were all over the place: excited, nervous possibly a bit bewildered by our presence.  After a bit of walking he pulled less on the lead.  I will have him on a harness so he doesn't damage his neck.
When we stopped he did lean against me.  Greyhounds lean against you, nuzzle or even put their chin on some part of your body for affection and to feel secure.  They love contact.

He is absolutely beautiful.

He doesn't respond to 'Keith' which is fine for a human but just doesn't fit him.  Also feel a name with two syllables makes calling easier plus the soft 'th' sound is impossible to carry at any distance. 

On our journey home OH suggested Rex, Fido and Gnasher then said what are the names in 101 Dalmatians.  Don't want a name from The Beano or Disney.  

As he's from Ireland possibly Keifer, Kelly, Kelsey or at a push Kelso.

But I've decided on Cairo or to retain the K - Kyro.  OH claims it's not a name.  My friend Jo agrees. 

We're away on Saturday for a week in Northumberland.  We'll collect our boy on the afternoon of Tuesday 8 November.  Be still my beating heart.

Pleasant afternoon and evening everyone. 

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