A thankyou

Thursday 27th October 2022


What a day! We had a wedding this afternoon. As our caretaker is on holiday this week I had to get the vacuum out and vac the church carpet. Our churchwarden is also away so I had to find someone to stand in at the last minute when I realised I didn't have anyone. Our organist isn't well so I had to arrange the organist and we had a problem with some of the music today .... etc, etc, etc. I was a bit frazzled before the service. However, I know the couple really well and the service itself was really enjoyable. 

I did take some time off afterwards and fell asleep as soon as I had had a very late lunch.

I was back at church this evening and had a lovely surprise when the family from a funeral last week came and gave me some flowers, a bottle of wine and some chocolate as a thankyou. 

These are the only ones open at the moment so they should provide a few EBs over the next week. 

I've back blipped all my photos from Saturday. 

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