Gwelwch ... sut maen nhw'n tyfu

Gwelwch ... sut maen nhw'n tyfu ~ See ... how they grow

“A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.”
—D. Elton Trueblood

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Aethon ni i ymweld â Richard, Steph a theulu yn y prynhawn. Roedd y syniad i fod yna pan ddaeth y plant adre o'r ysgol a threulio ychydig o oriau gyda nhw. Mae'r teulu i gyd yn hoffi tyfu pethau yn y tŷ ac yn yr ardd. Mae Sam yn mwynhau edrych ar holl y planhigion ac yn gwybod llawer amdanyn nhw.

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We went to visit Richard, Steph and family in the afternoon. The idea was to be there when the children came home from school and spend a few hours with them. The whole family likes to grow things in the house and in the garden. Sam enjoys looking at all the plants and knows a lot about them.

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