Cocktails - it’s a serious business!

This morning we were going to meet Marion and Steve at Alnham for a walk but they called off as rain was forecast. Instead I took apple cake and we went to them for morning coffee. We’d not visited their little flat which they are happy with, as they are renting out their house and intend travelling a lot. It was great to see them - they are going to the Philippines soon so it will be interesting to hear how that goes.

I did a spell check on my Blurb book then tonight we went to Katy and Colin’s. Katy made some delicious curries. Chris and Ailie were also there. Ailie’s daughter has Covid but Ailie tested negative. I kept clear as we hope not to pick anything up. However I did agree to have a walk on the moor with her tomorrow morning. I feel better in the open air!

Here is Katy making us Espresso Martinis. They would have made a good pudding as Kuala is very sweet. I didn’t say no though.

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