Betsy Pitching

Glorious sunny day so we all went to the Scrubs where Betsy was playing softball.

Hot Dogs (only Chris as he is the only one of us that isn't repulsed by them), sunscreen, shouts of , 'play ball', 'outtttt!', 'sayyyyyyfe!' and, 'good cut!', plus 'wait for your pitch Betsy.....good eye!'

Like I've said before, its an amazing counter culture, with a language, uniform and attitude all of its own.

I've seen Betsy play sport while over bearing parents scream contradicting instructions left right and centre leaving small children wondering what they are supposed to be doing. I've seen people I don't know bellow at Betsy for making a mistake. I've heard parents telling their children off for not waving back at them whilst they are tryingbto have a having a swimming lesson. I've seen parents email each other discussing the kids sports team saying 'us' and 'we'. All of that has made me feel like an outsider because Im just not like that.

Yeah, I think kids should play sport for themselves, not their parents, and because the transforming power of sport should be about all those things like independence, personal achievement and blah blah blah, but most of they should do it because they like it and because it makes them feel good.

Yeah, there ate a couple of crazy softball parents, but it's the only place where I've ever felt like its okay to think like I do.

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