La vida de Annie

By Annie


Went to the medical centre in Es Mercadal for a rediculously early appointment to get my blood test results. On the way, the early morning mists were shrouding the fields and hovering over the roads. I really wanted to take a photo of that, or from the mountain looking down on it, but time did not permit, and the sun had burned it off on the way back. In Yorkshire such low-lying mists were common, and I always referred to them as "wraiths" because of their ghostly appearance.
Any road up, as they say there, the test results, previously classed as pre-diabetic, came out "perfect", so the months of avoiding sugar and starchy carbohyrates has paid off. To celebrate, a Magnum was required, although I won't be returning to my previous chocolate and biscuit habits. Maxie loves the last little bit around the stick.

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