
By SilverImages


" Sometimes life drops blessings in your lap without your lifting a finger. Serendipity, they call it."
Charlton Heston
After breakfast and a brief play on the computer to catch up with ‘admin’ I headed off to meet D and W at Braughing, a small village about mid-point between us. D has found a walk for us, about a five mile loop through the surrounding countryside that will bring us back to the village in time for lunch.
A quick wander around to get my photo for the day, D wanted to show me some of the beautiful houses in the village, then we headed off. The landscape was mostly farmland with the usual gobbets of broken flint in the soil, and at one point as we were walking through some woodland I’d commented on the interesting things that can be seen when we look around; as I said that I looked down and around and saw a piece of paper on the ground. Picking it up I unfolded it; it was a £5 note!
Mostly just the three of us for the two hours or so we were out, only a few others and then not on the same walk as us. Timed it well and got back ready to head across the ford to The Golden Fleece on the other side of the village. Had a table outside for lunch under umbrellas in the afternoon sunshine, we were all getting a bit drowsy after the walk and lunch, so went our separate ways – D and W home to Stevenage, I went back to the village church for a meditation. Left to get back in time to give Nelson his medication and make sure he was back in before his ‘witching hour’. If he’s out after dark he gets into scraps with the other local cats.

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