Pink (Day 2733)

Back in to town this morning to carry on with the bathroom which was delayed last week while I waited for a part to arrive. After spending a while undoing plasterboarding, flooring and various other stuff I spent a couple of hours drilling through the cast iron soil stack to allow me to make a new connection for the shower waste. First time I've done it, and despite all the stuff in the way and the awkward space to work in it went reasonably well. I could have done without the customer standing behind me silently watching what I was doing.
After lunch, I got the room back to the way it was before I started in the morning, then got the shower tray fitted and connected to the waste. Tomorrow I have the joy of sticking PVC panelling on the ceiling. I am really looking forward to it.
I got finished a little early and headed home as it began to get dark, stole my beautiful wife's macro lens and took some snaps of the flowers.  

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