A pink bunch…

A get well bouquet and card safely delivered.

Iris’s wonderful warden is on sick leave. She asked me if I would buy some flowers and take them to her. Of course I would.

Only the Chase I went to didn’t have enough numbers…. then I realised, the wrong Chase. Doh! No problem. I just added more steps to my already big number for today. I’d got diverted on my run this morning by walking with a lady to where she wanted to go, but wasn’t having much success!

And now it is POURING with rain which is competing with fireworks going off somewhere…

Today is the last day of pink BCAM for this October but of course any day to visit the breast cancer site is good. Thank you once again.

We’re hoping Valerie doesn’t have the same needles problem as last time when she goes for her blood test tomorrow.


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