Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

We ain't that stupid

On the local motorway from Turku to Helsinki there are new tunnels. We do not have those that many in Finland. It seems that we have those so little, that we need proper instructions on what we are facing!

Alright, the sign of 'tunnel is coming, be aware' has a sound reasoning (or does it?), but what about the one few meters after the tunnel: 'tunnel ended just few meters back!'

What a shock! I couldn't have thought that myself. I thought that the funny yellow bright light was merely a rather big energy-saving lamp.

How stupid they think we are?

They should not pollute the surroundings with ridiculous signs - there should be only those signs that does have a reason to live. This one clearly does not.

p.s. the latter sign is rather small - sorry for that. Yet, having a continuum of wipers made the picture look a much better!

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