Birthday Card

Nani's birthday card for 'Opa'.  It's now in prominent display.  The whole thing is a spoofy rendition of our backyard.

A day at home, spent on genealogy... and some hand-washed laundry.

Of course we talked about yesterday evening's birthday bash.  AW wishes that he could have (had) a deeper conversation with Cilla, something to give the intervening years a little more substance, but wishes are one thing and reality something else, and for Cilla this is enough.  No raw nerves need to be touched.  I'm fine with keeping things the way they are, not because I don't understand AW or share his thoughts, but because I've learned that some things are just 'that way'.  There's a comparison somewhere with trees -- we never really comment when we come across a crooked one, and the same should go for people.  Altogether, I was more than happy it went well.

A quiet but busy day.

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