
By Transitoire

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So for my first day of work, I got a day off! Lucky lady indeed.

Abs and I headed into town to get some provisions and I ended up spending rather a lot of money on things that I really needed at the supermarket. And by really needed, I did genuinely need everything...just always surprises me how much a first shop costs in a new place! Was really nice to see the town where I'm going to be spending a lot of my time over the next few weeks...although we didn't take the water taxi, I did that later with Colin and Elle (more on that later!). Very lucky that Abi brought her car with her, I had to buy so much stuff that I definitely could not have carried it back! This photograph was taken this morning, and it is Les Sables d'Olonne seen from the other side of the port...rather pretty isn't it!

The early afternoon was spent on the decking with Elle, Colin, Geo and Abi...talking, listening to music and me desperately trying to upload a picture for Blip.

NB: The internet at this site is absolutely awful, a photograph taking more than five hours to upload with many false starts - Blip has suddenly become rather difficult!

After trying and failing to upload a photograph I gave up and headed into Les Sables with Elle and Colin, getting a water taxi and wandering down to the beach via a great ice-cream shop. I decided on crème brulée and pistache...although I was more than tempted by the tarte citron meringuée. After eating said ice-creams on the beach I then met up with Abi and Geo and we had a wander around the town, before being complimented by a Frenchman on a bike...well every little counts! The evening was spent at a barbeque, provided for us by the lovely Bill, who didn't cremate all the food. Only joking, it was lovely! A lot of our conversation revolved around the new girl who was meant to be arriving that very evening. The only problem we had was that no one knew her name, or anything about her...not even our bosses, who were waiting for news from theirs. So we named her (Jane - thought it would be funny if she had a similar name to me), gave her an age (nine - because it was nine o'clock that she was meant to be arriving) and a back story, and were more than excited about meeting her. Turns out that the reason no one knew anything at all about her was because she didn't actually exist! We were all rather disappointed! The night ended up back in my place with a few drinks, and a rather interesting game of 'Roxanne'. Very fun, although tomorrow when we start work at nine will be interesting!

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