All things me

By KatiePie

I want it.

This is my spare room.
I want it.
See how the morning sun is streaming through the window?
There is a single bed in there with a pull out bed underneath it. They're both out at the moment after Kat stayed at the weekend.
It's useful having a spare room so that people can come and stay.
I have aspirations though. Remember last year I made me a space?
I'm greedy. I want a whole room. That room.
The space isn't very, um, spacious.
It's also on the top floor so I don't tend to go up there when the kids are home. The spare room is much more in the middle of things.
I want a workroom, office, studio... den? Don't know what to call it. But I want one. I want to pretty it up and have space to create.
Problem is then we don't have somewhere for people to come and stay. And I have to find somewhere for those beds. And Mr KP and I won't have anywhere to escape to when the other one is snoring/fidgeting/hogging the duvet.

But I WANT that space.

I'm blipping this in the garden, sat in the sunshine, drinking a coffee, when I have an enormous list of things to do. I think I'm finally getting over the 'not working' guilts after 11 months.

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