Calm and almost dreamy

16.8C with hardly a cloud and a light mist in the morning. Calm.

Summer today. Possibly all of it.

This morning I was out in the garden. I raked over some soil in a veg bed and sowed a few rows of beetroot, chard, and spring onion. I gave them some water, then went round and watered all the containers. Maeve the Deerhound lay down on one of the little lawns and pretended to watch.

I left Maeve to enjoy the sunshine and went out in the front garden for half an hour or so and did some weeding. The dandelions are rampant, so I decided to get rid of as many as I could.

Since it was quite warm I took Maeve for her walk before lunch. She isn't a fan of the heat so it can be better to walk her before the hottest part of the day. When it is hot that is. When we got down to the shore it was lovely and calm, and almost dreamy. There was a hint of the early mist still left out over the water. I could see 'Valhalla VI' out at the creels slowly moving parallel to the shore making sparkling wavelets. The summer feel was made complete by some little children on the beach. They had colourful buckets and spades and had made some sand castles, and were down at the water's edge as we walked by.

I walked Maeve right along the edge of the water, and much to my surprise she decided to go into the sea. Just ankle deep. Splashed and sploshed along and seemed to enjoy it. She is not a dog that goes into the sea often.

There was a twin hulled boat moored just out from the line of rocks. One I haven't seen before. You can just see it beyond 'Shamara II' in the blip.

I mowed the front lawn this afternoon. The I went round with one of thoe gel weedkiller dispensers. First time I have tried one. Hopefully less dandelions.

It felt quite hot today. I wore a cap this morning and a sun hat this afternoon. Sensible me :-)

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