
By GracieG

Amethyst Deceiver

There was a most attractive sunrise this morning, layers of pink clouds against a pale blue sky.  Then it clouded over and the rest of the day has been rather gloomy.

H and I walked up Muckleburgh Hill this morning and although the view from the top is always impressive, the dreary grey sky and low light meant that a landscape photo would have been a disappointment so I was delighted to come across these Amethyst Deceiver fungi, in fact I almost trod on them.

Whilst walking along the perimeter fence of land belonging to the Muckleburgh Collection we came across this rather confusing sign (see extra).  I can't quite decide what it's trying to say, is it friendly or not friendly?  What do you think?
(Wild Justice is an organisation that uses the legal system to get a better deal for wildlife):

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