Eggspensive eggs and fancy ice cream....

A day of Dad's taxing.
Got everything fed while the rest of the family went out for breakfast as Junior back home this weekend.
Picked him up in Dalkeith afterwards and ran him in to a pal's house near Murrayfield as a group of them are off to the rugby.
Stopped of at the Gyle to get a sandwich on the way back. Spotted this display of eggs in M& S. I must be behind the times cos these were at £4.80 a dozen. When I used to sell my duck eggs at £2 a dozen I thought I was charging plenty !
Back home and wee brother came over to help me sort through the Hereford heifers I hauled home yesterday. Decided on the ones that were good enough to go to the bull,the rest I will sell fat eventually.
After I finished up tonight had to run Littlemiss into town for a party,then back into town with Mrs F later to pick up Junior from the Grass market. Years since I've been in a pub there,and looking at the crowds of drunk folk,I'm not in a hurry to rush back!
Picked up Littlemiss and we all headed back to the sticks.
A lot of fireworks going off everywhere tonight. Sounds like a war zone. Hopefully the livestock will keep calm.
The extra was this converted police box down in the Grass market. I have had a few calves from this farm to twin onto cows in the past.

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