
By Sonset25

Only Cambridge :-0

Back home had a lie-in until 8.30am this morning as I listened to the pouring rain. 
Found my waterproofs and cycled to the market for bread and vegetables from the Farmer's stall.  Rain had paused while in the market but resumed in earnest by the time I was heading home.

I wheeled my bike most of the way in order to get some walking in today.  I'd never noted the step count before.  If I walk the hound there and back I'll clock up 12,000. That should wear us both out.   Sadly only short parts of the route are grassy.

Saw the blip as I was crossing the bridge over the river.  The college is about half a mile away by the river.  Either it was thrown in the water from the college grounds or carried through town and chucked in near the weir. 

It's a wet day today. No more venturing out.

Enjoy your day.

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