
By ishaan97


I like Pandas. They are calm, and sweet looking and often playful. My day today happened to start at the Edinburgh University Main Library, where I went in to make my website, but barely added any content to it as I had intended.

Despite the pish weather outside, I decide to go St James Quarter to buy shoes for my sister. An underarmour shoes in UK cost half less than the same shoe in India. I’ll be sending her these by post as a Christmas present.

Coming out of the St James Quarter, I went directly into the National Art Gallery and happened to stumble upon this beautiful artwork. It has my favourite animal and made by Ade Adesina.

We went to a place south of Meadows with my friend and his wife yesterday. There was a conversation on who is doing what and how are they but certainly nice to reconnect and give a new beginning to a stranded relationship. However, coming out I felt something empty in me (not my stomach atleast) but i was mindful the entire time and could not let my guard down.

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