Irish Sky Garden!

What a treat. We were invited to brunch at the glamorous Lissard House to mark the 8th wedding anniversary of our pals Robert and Finola bronze should you be wondering, fiendish to buy for . The venue was no random choice for it was here they were married eight years ago -captured here - fittingly, if you know them, in a ringfort! We enjoyed a delicious brunch then decided to go into the gardens and visit the renowned Sky Garden where some of their wedding photos were taken - see extras. As you can see the heavens opened just at the wrong moment and we all got drenched, In normal conditions however this is a remarkable artwork, approached down a subterranean passage reminiscent of a descent into a pyramid - you emerge into a green womblike amphitheatre. In the centre is a long block - room enough for two to lie down and contemplate the sky and listen to the gentle buzz of the bees! Hah! We have been in those conditions and it was incredible - heady and disorientating but today we didn't linger.
And here's another thing about Lissard. During the Cold War it was acquired by a Swiss spymaster for his government, in case their was a Soviet invasion. The vaults were going to store the Swiss gold reserves!  That's something to ponder on. 

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