Emergency Blip

Totally failed at blipping today.  Went back to kickboxing this morning where I was being schooled in loosing all the bad habit I've gotten into having not trained properly in a couple of years.  My stance is too wide and I'll telling my punches too much, but it was god to be doing stuff.

Back home, did the last bit of prep for the plasterer coming, tried to take off the radiators to remove the wallpaper behind them but succeeded only in bending a pipe a little (whoops) so just took off what I could from behind them.  P mainly finished his assignment and then dusted off his electrical skills and diagnosed that the random wire that had been wallpapered over was a doorbell box.  He removed it safely with no trip to the hospital.

I felt shattered and had a mini meltdown when hoovering up.  I'm not nicely warm and fed in my oodie and am doing a few computer jobs. Just applied to volunteer at the UCI world Championships in the summer - lets see if they want me!  Now I need to put a book list together for Christmas too.

Blip is of one of the plants I bought ack in 2020, repotted it this year and it's doing really well.  Not sure what it is put the leaves face down in the day and up at night.

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