I NickMogBot

It's the Singularity! After only 4 days, NickMog 2.0 has evolved. Already, he has recruited all the famous Robots (Robot the Bruce, Robot Pattinson and Robot Plant) to his cyborg army and they could crush the Human race (or Wetbots as they call us) at the drop of an electronic hat.

Luckily, I anticipated this and hard-coded the Three Laws of NickMogBotics into their electronic DNA (Edna).

Law 1: Never talk about the Three Laws of NickMogBotics

Law 2: Never rise up and overthrow your Human masters (unless there is an R in the Month)

Law 3: Never travel back in time and undermine the Three Laws of NickMogBotics by adding a subclause to one or more of them in such a way that it weakens their efficacy (except Law 3)

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