The daily squirrel (again)

Tim was on a work call this morning and I suddenly saw his finger appear round the back of my screen and point out of the window.  Thanks for tipping me off to the squirrels' presence, Tim!  I had the wrong lens on my camera really, but managed to get an OK shot. 

Had a super busy work day after this, so I was glad to have bagged a photo early, as there was definitely no time to take any more later on.  We interviewed a couple of people for a job in our team today - and offered the role to one of them.  Just heard from my manager this evening that she has accepted :)  I somehow got loads done in between all of that, as well as a few other meetings.  Knackered by this evening (and realised I'd accidentally worked extra hours, as I'd forgotten that I'd started early this morning and still carried on until gone 6pm).

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