
By memento

Camouflage... has been around since the dawn of least, ever since people have tried to hide from other people during wars or tribal and clan skirmishes. To blend seamlessly into their surroundings and become virtually invisible, people have devised some fairly effective means of camouflage.

They cover themselves in mud, like Arnie, the governator of California in 'Predator'. They carry bushes in front of them so they can practically walk up to an Oryx, like the hunting Bushmen of the Kalahari. They wear clothing that blend in with their surroundings and they fill their combat helmets with foliage like the soldiers during the jungle wars in Southeast Asia.

Still, animals are infinitely more sophisticated at camouflage than people. If we ever went to war with the animals, they would kick our butts. Just look at the way familiar suburban animals can blend in...the unbelievable insects that you walk by because you just can't see them. Look at the alien in 'Predator'...the baddest, meanest, nastiest alien of all time, who basically becomes whatever background he happens to be on.

I very much wanted a chameleon to illustrate this blip as they possess a skill that is unmatched by any land animal. Unfortunatley, they aren't indigenous to the US Midwest. As I was playing with this spoon on a piece of paper, it hit me!...comfortable clothing, fashioned from a textile that is so reflective, so mirror-like that you would practically disappear if you stood still. Shy people who hate going to parties will rejoice and we might stand a chance if we ever went to war with animals.

I really see only one problem that dissuades me from patenting it: That guy or gal you know who is always in front of a mirror checking themselves out? They will suddenly be your best friend.

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