
By momcat1

That was the day that was

Yesterday, that is. After putting up the Christmas lights (because we're not going to see 70 degrees again for a while by the looks of things and I'd be stupid not to put them out on a bright warm sunny day), going to the gym , making apple sauce, digging out my carrots and beets and then making dinner- I sat down after dinner and fell asleep. Therefore- posting a day late again. The calendulas  were and are still blooming and much to my surprise not only was there a drone fly or two  but also a few honey bees and a little green sweat bee in the flowers. That is not going to continue as today it was sweatshirt weather again and we'll be dropping into the very seasonal 40's  by next week. And that is ok because that is baking weather and it is time to start popping out the Christmas cookies. ;)

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