Not looking likely

Ballots are still being counted, so the last notes haven't been sung, but it looks unlikely that Jo Ann will win. At the moment, she has 43% and he has 56%. Money (and we're talking millions), right-wing policies in a time of uncertainty, and the Old Boys Network is hard to defeat. She did everything she possibly could do. She attracted a core of young people who worked night and day for her. She was out on the streets knocking on doors,  responding to attacks, dealing with death threats.

At the party this evening, she put on a good performance (see Extra). She said, "I'm staying right here, and I will keep on fighting for justice, for safety, for protection for all the people, not just the wealthy." She will. I'm sure she will. So will I.

At the moment, Charter Reform looks likely to pass, so if her opponent wins, he'll only have two years to criminalize the poor and support the rich. 

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