View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Sound of Handa

Day 7 A bright sunny day with blue skies and fluffy clouds and quite warm. It was warm enough for me to work in the garden in my t-shirt. A busy day as usual making lambs then a spell in the garden although the area I was working in was very wet but i managed to revamp it and add more compost so that may help as i have made it higher.
I am sorry to say my little lamb did not survive the night. I went to bed at 2am with him snugly wrapped up in a towel and a fleece and in the kitchen. I woke up at 6.15 am and got up to see how he was and although he had moved position he was dead. i really thought last night that he was going to make it as he stood up and I gave him some milk and he took it himself but I think he just gave up. You are always annoyed with yourself that you did not step in sooner to help. I thought he looked very poorly when we were ringing him but the boys always lie down after we do it so we did not realize he was so bad until it was too late.

Plied my homespun yarn so now can get on with the Catkin shawl.

Time taken 5.07 pm

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