Carnivorous Plants and a Hard Frost

What a day! It was cold this morning 31F/-.55C and there was a hard many plants will succumb now. Not a bad thing though, it's always more pleasant to clean up the garden before it becomes so cold and wet. And with nice weather this week I'll do just that.

Geranium 'Rozanne' looking suitably frosted.

Meanwhile, I had the most fabulous time going to visit a friend of the botanical garden. Carson's been deeply involved with carnivorous plants since he was just a wee lad - 6 he said. He's now the Director of Conservation and Research at the International Carnivorous Plant Society. Carson collects, grows, hybridizes and sells carnivorous plants. Here in Oregon we have several native carnivorous plants including Darlingtonia which is of courses featured in his nursery. I'm completely taken by these fascinating plants....and he gave me at least a dozen, all freshly potted up. Carson's on Instagram if you'd like to see some photos of his amazing plants. 

The extra is a shot of Carson in his inside nursery, where he grows seedlings on. He has equally as many outside!

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