Sharon .....

..... the Brighton Bulldog.

Firstly, thank you for all the hearts stars and lovely comments on yesterday's blip making it my third most popular blip. My mum was pleased with the photo and wasn't too worried about a few flowers being beheaded ( I didn't let the pups eat them ).

Today I had planned a day out with my Mum, but on looking at the weather forecast it looked like today was going to be the last good day of the week and as my mum and I are planning a day inside we have posponed it until later in the week. Instead I have spent the day in Brighton with my dad.

We have had a lovely day with chips on the peir, 99's on the prom and plenty of walking, sitting and enjoying the weather. I spotted Sharon here in a shop doorway in The Laines and couldn't resist taking a photo. I know I blipped a Bulldog yesterday, but this was almost a bulldog with tulips again as a lovely lady called Libbie started chating to me as I was photographing Sharon and kindly agreed to pose with her. I have put those photos along with a few others today HERE, but today's blip is .....

..... Sharon the Brighton Bulldog.

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